Sunday, January 19, 2014


Spiraling by Rachel Cross

A romantic tale of a champion skater and Hollywood heartthrob just in time for the Olympics!

The one word I kept thinking as I read this book was INTENSE.
Despite everything she still loved him. Didn't understand him, wanted to kill him, but she loved him.
There was a lot of drama for both characters, too much drama for one book. I think the story could have been "slowed" down and spread out over a series of books, because at times I felt the plot movement was choppy.  Sometimes it would be the next day and other times months would have gone by.

I thought this was going to be a sweet romantic story but I was 
surprised and a little taken aback by all the sex!
...he and Amy had spent the last two weeks between his sheets learning every inch of each other's bodies...
It feels like this book was written for YA, but the language and risky content pushes this novel into the Adult Romance category. In my opinion the graphic sex was not necessary and took away from the developing relationship between Amy and Shane.

I was 60% in before I finally believed in the feelings between Amy and Shane. I finally began to see how these two broken souls were good for each other.

Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars. This is an intense, heavy read and it will be out just in time for the Olympics.

Spiraling is available January 27, 2014, you can pre-order it on Amazon.

*ARC from Netgalley

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